Little Horses Delivering Big Therapy
Dandy was picked as one of only four animals nationally to be on the Holiday card of Pet Partners
Happy Little Horses is dedicated to bringing our trained miniature horses into facilities to visit and connect with people of every age to inspire joy and nurture the human spirit.
Many of the individuals we go to see cannot go outside.
The tiny horses can easily go places that a larger horse could never go. Our team can comfortably walk through facilities in order to visit and meet people. They have been trained to navigate steps, ride in elevators, and walk on slippery floors. Because we are able to bring the little horses indoors and go inside hospitals, hospice programs, assisted living homes, physical therapy centers, schools, and residential homes we are able to connect animals and people in a unique way. The clip-clopping of their hooves walking through a building works miracles. As they make their way down hallways and from room to room, they lift spirits, and spread joy to patients and staff alike. Visits from our horses are casual and tailored to meet the needs of our clients. Some people enjoy petting, hugging, and feeding treats, while others prefer to watch and spend time with their unique guests. The encounters are different every time, but always special. Our clients light up when we visit. The horses are the bridge. They connect with people in a special way that result in positive mental, emotional, and physical experiences promoting healing in the process.